Савиры, булгары и тюрко-монголы в истории чувашей. – СПб.: Нестор-История, 2019. – 296 с.

Tsvetelin Stepanov. Rev.: Антон К. Салмин. Савиры, булгары и тюрко-монголы в истории чувашей. СПб.: Нестор-История, 2019. 296 с. // BulgarianHistoricalReview, 2021, 1–2: 245-248.

В журнале Института исторических исследований Болгарской академии наук BulgarianHistoricalReview (входит в Scopus) опубликована рецензия доктора истории, профессора Цветелина Степанова на монографию ведущего научного сотрудника МАЭ РАН, доктора исторических наук Антона Салмина «Савиры, булгары и тюрко-монголы в истории чувашей» (СПб.: Нестор-История, 2019).

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Монография посвящена важнейшим, но спорным этапам истории чувашского народа. В ней анализируются наиболее приемлемые ‒ савирская, булгарская и тюрко-монгольская ‒ версии происхождения чувашей. При этом используется междисциплинарный подход: исследуются открытия в области истории, географии, геногеографии, антропологии, археологии, религии, языка, этнографии, искусства и фольклора.

The work contains an analysis of three basic versions of history (origin and formation) of the Chuvash. The tribes studied in the book are interconnected between themselves to some extent. However, each of the tribes has passed its own historical way. The findings are based on reliable sources. In order to verify correctness of the existing versions, the principal researches within the subject were critically analyzed.

According to original sources, the most reliable hypothesis is the Savir hypothesis of origin of the Chuvash. To put it more precise, Savars/Savirs/Suvars formed the pivot and the core of the Chuvash ancestry. The rest versions are represented in this work in decreasing sequence in relation to Chuvash (Bulgar and Turkic-Mongolian). Nevertheless, the modern Chuvash people cannot be called “pure” descendants of Savir. Genetic, anthropological and linguistic data, and also rites, beliefs, and other ethnographical elements in the process of historical interaction have absorbed components from historical neighbours to some extent.

The history of Chuvash ancestry consists of some spatiotemporal periods.

  1. North Caucasus (II century A.D. — 737 year).
  2. Saltovo-Mayatsk culture (737–895 years).
  3. The left bank of the Middle Volga Region (895–922 years).
  4. The right bank of Middle Volga Region (922 — till present time).

The facts confirm that Savars/Sapirs/Savirs/Sabirs/Suvars had correct understanding of situations on their strategic way. Suvar people who went in 922 year to the right bank of Volga became the core of ancestry of the modern Chuvash people; they preserved their original traditions on their long historical way and avoided the destiny of mergence into Islamic culture. The road passed by Chuvash people is the history of search of their identity.

Even if we put aside all suppositions related to the events B.C., we can deal with the data of the times close to A. D. There are such sources as Ptolemy (II century), Aelius Herodianus (III century), Ammianus Marcellinus (IV century), Prisk of Panion, Procopius Caesarensis and Stephanus Byzantinus (V century). At that time there were no Turkic peoples in the Caucasus. They appeared in that region in VI century.

The author on the basis of verified sources and conclusions of the closely related scholarly studies has constructed the system of facts and demonstrated it. The research presents analysis of sources and works on the subject. The author examined hypotheses, versions and factors which were or are related to the discussed issue. The task was to retrieve forgotten facts from cells of historical memory, arrange them consecutively and systematically, as far as possible, so that a willing reader could draw own conclusions. It has been found that the majority of works on the discussed subject was written according to existing cliches.


Структура книги:

Савиры, булгары и тюрко-монголы в истории чувашей


  • Методология
  • Историография


  • Этнонимика
  • История
  • География
  • Геногеография
  • Антропология
  • Археология
  • Религия                                                                                 
  • Язык
  • Этнография
  • Искусство
  • Фольклор


  • Этнонимы
  • История
  • География
  • Геногеография
  • Антропология
  • Археология
  • Религия
  • Язык
  • Этнография
  • Искусство


  • Этнонимы
  • История
  • География
  • Геногеография
  • Антропология
  • Археология
  • Религия
  • Язык
  • Этнография
  • Фольклор
  • Татаризация



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  • Условные сокращения